Parent Comments

These are a some of the comments from parents who are subscribers of EF:

Radhika . on "Lateral Lines - 1"

This is a Fantastic Article. We travelled South West Airlines multiple times and the head steward/stewardess would always tell jokes on what seemed the most boring aspect after getting on to a plane,listening to the Air safety message. They would select staff based on who said the best joke. That Apart, here the importance of Lateral thinking without having to worry about failures and even failed products becoming a solution.

Radhika . on "Self-Awareness Skills"

I thought SWOT Analysis only applied to my Project Management Skills. :) :) This article goes a level further in explaining on how it can be implemented in our kids as well. I want to create the worksheet as suggested and handover to my kids and know what's actually playing in their minds.Thanks for the wonderful article as usual and explaining the nitty-gritty of Self-awareness as a critical skill.

Amit Jain . on "Habits Are Gravitational - Part 1"

Great article. Very thought provoking. A quick comment - it's true that children imbibe so many things, including habits, from their parents, and that too unconsciously. So, does this mean that the parents first need to recognise those aspects of their personality that they would not like to pass on to their children, and then get out of those themselves first? Both (recognising as well as changing) would not be so easy for most. Sounds like circular reasoning - what comes first - parents spendi

Sailaja Parthasarathy . on "Singing To Learn"

Very informative & practically put. Thanks for your lucid articles that can actually be implemented.

Ajay Nagesh . on "Singing To Learn"

Thanks for the article and nice observation from the comment above! Indeed, in Kannada, when someone asked Dr. DVG (author of the Mankutimmana Kagga) he said the same thing. In fact, one of the Kagga slokas explains the same effects of verse in verse format! Even mathematics in ancient/medieval India was in verse format. See these interesting set of short videos on the verse form of mathematical quantities.

Ramaswamy Lakshmanan . on "Singing To Learn"

Law of nature is that mind (emotions) develop in a child and later the intellect (reasoning power). Therefore, that which appeals to emotions is prescribed for the children first. So, music / singing is very important. Music which is sound of intonation appeals to heart instantly and is universal. Even animals react to music. Experiments show its effect on plants also. In Hindu tradition, chandas (meter) which applies to mantras and verses follow the grammar of music also. So, it is easy to memo

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